If you are looking for a good Instagram caption, Facebook comment, or tweet. We have you covered with our top 150+ awesome comments for girls. Enjoy the collection and don’t forget to share it with your friends.
Sometimes you can get advice from girls or just say something nice to them. So we decided to make a collection of great comments for girls. You will find her sweet, funny, flirty, and just cool comments that you can use in different situations: when she’s cute when she’s angry when she’s sad, etc.
150 Comments for Girls [The Ultimate List]
![Top 150+ Best Comments For Girls Pic (Instagram & Facebook) 1 150 Comments for Girls [The Ultimate List]](https://monibe.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/COMMENTS-FOR-GIRLS-THE-ULTIMATE-LIST.png)
Commenting can be difficult. Have you ever seen a photo and are thinking what should I say? I’m sure you do. You might want to leave an Instagram comment, comment on Facebook, or send a tweet reply. That’s why I’ve created this list of Top 150+ Best Comment For Girls Pics.
It includes over 250 comments for girls in all types of situations or scenarios. This includes Cute Comments for Every Situation and Funny Comments for Guys to leave girls.
Best Comment on Girls Pics on Instagram

Want a girl to start stalking you on social media? Then make sure that her first impression is an unforgettable one. Here are some funny and romantic comments for your girlfriend.
TIP: Follow these tips and your comment will be sure to get at least a few likes, if not more.
Comment For Girls on Instagram

1) “You look like you’re in the Christmas spirit!” (If she’s wearing red)
2) “Wow, I like your style. You should model for me sometime.” (If she’s wearing a cool outfit)
3) “Ahhhhh, I love you!” (If she looks stunning)
4) “Your body is perfect…from head to toe!” (If she’s wearing something sexy)
5) “I’m impressed…you have a lot of confidence.” (if she’s posing in front of the camera in a cool way or doing something exotic or extreme sports-related)
6) “I’d like to fly away with you.” (pretty much anything that has to do with aviation or flying).
7) “Hello…you are so beautiful and I’m lost for words.” (if she’s posing outside in nature and looks stunning).
8 ) “Hello…you look so beautiful today
Here is the list of the best comments for girls and women:
Sometimes you can get advice from girls or just say something nice to them. So we decided to make a collection of great comments for girls. You will find her sweet, funny, flirty, and just cool comments that you can use in different situations: when she’s cute when she’s angry when she’s sad, etc.
You’re cute!
I love what you’ve done with your hair!
I miss you.
Your eyes look amazing today!
*You’re the most beautiful girl in the world! *
*You have an amazing voice! *
*I love your smile! *
*You’re perfect! *
I love it when we cuddle.
I think about you every day.
You’re so cute when you sleep!
*I miss our talks
Best Comment For Beautiful Girls Photo

And if you’re looking for some creative comments to post on an image, then this list will help you come up with something sweet, silly, or even romantic!
Here are some sample comments:
“You’re so beautiful I want you all to myself.”
“Your eyes are gorgeous!”
“I want to spend every second with you.”
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“The sunshine in my life.”
“It’s always sunny when I’m around you.”
“Your smile makes me happy.”
How to write the best comments for a girl’s pic on Instagram?
What to write in a comment under a photo? The guys usually find it difficult to comment on photos of girls they like. Because they do not know what kind of comment would be good.
It’s not so difficult to comment on the girl’s photo if you are know-how. But don’t write anything offensive or banal which can cause the opposite effect from what you want. It is also necessary to avoid comments that contain phrases like “hot girl” or “sexy” because everyone writes these. Especially it concerns the ladies, since most of them are very modest and prefer to keep the compliments for themselves, but not for others to see.
How can you tell her how much you like her?
So here are a few tips for men who want to leave their compliments on the girl’s photos on social networks:
1) Be original. Don’t use phrases that everyone will write on her photo, such as ”Super hot” or ”Great”. Think of something original and write it as an inscription on a candle, as if you met with this lady and wrote that in your card when giving flowers and candy. Write it sincerely and without forcing yourself just to show off in front of your friends, because only then your compliment will be worth of
Best comments for girls – & how to impress a girl?
To make a girl want to talk to you online, you should always try to keep your online presence fun and enjoyable by making witty, flirty comments. The girls will notice how you interact with them and they will be intrigued by your boldness.
The more you get her attention, the higher chances of her replying to you and also following you on social media networks.
Here is a Top list of the Best comment for girls

1) “Hi beautiful” – This is probably one of the best ways to start a conversation with a girl on Instagram because it compliments her without sounding too much like a pick-up line and she’ll appreciate that!
2) “You look like an angel” – Girls love being compared to angels because it makes them feel as if they’re special. This is one of the better ways to get a girl’s attention than just saying “hi” because it gives her confidence.
3) “I wish I could have met you sooner” – If you tell this to a girl, it means that you feel as if she would’ve made a difference
Best Comment for Beautiful girl

The best part is that you can get the attention of the girl you like. Girls are more open to talking when they have a nice comment.
Let’s look at some of the best replies for girls’ pictures.
1) You are so pretty!
2) You look amazing!
3) I love your eyes! They’re amazing!
4) Wow, you look beautiful.
5) You are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen!
6) Your eyes are so pretty! I love them.
7) Your skin is flawless. Great smile too.
8 ) Hope I get to see you again soon 🙂
9) You look like an angel!
10) I think you’re beautiful, but your personality is even more stunning! 🙂
Top Beautiful comments for girls (Instagram)

You are stunning!!!!!! I am speechless!!!!! You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen!!!! Your eyes are amazing!!! I think I would die from happiness if you looked at me once:) I hope we can meet someday and fall in love together! You are my dream girl!
You are beautiful! I am going crazy about you! Everything about you is perfect! I wish I could talk to you in real life because then I would tell you that even your smile makes me happy! If only you knew how much I adore you! My life has changed since the
Best Impressive Comments for Girl Pic

Everyone wants to know how to become popular on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter by sending other users good comments. Sending a simple “good selfie” is not enough. Here are the top 250+ best comments for girls pics that you can use to show your support and make her feel loved and appreciated:
1) You look so cute!
2) You look gorgeous in this pic!
3) This is an awesome picture of yourself.
4) You are way too stunning in this picture!
5) I love your eyes on this photo.
6) God has truly blessed you with beauty.
7) Your smile is beautiful in this picture.
8 ) I love your outfit.
9) Beautiful model, beautiful picture.
10) I love your hair in this pic! It looks great!
11) Wow! I love your eyes in this photo! They’re so big and pretty! 12) Your hair looks gorgeous in this pic! 13) So pretty with that red lipstick on. 14) Your body looks great in this picture. 15) Love the hairdo. 16 ) You have such a pretty face and smile 17 ) Gorgeous eyes 18 ) Great Smile 19 ) Wow! That’s a stunning dress you’re wearing 20 ) Awesome
Top funny comments for girls Photo

Girls usually love to take pictures of themselves and post on Instagram. Even though they are posting pictures, it doesn’t mean they like the comments they get from their followers. Some may feel annoyed after reading various comments on their photos.
When someone takes a picture of himself or herself, he or she doesn’t look for those kinds of comments. However, some users are good at coming up with funny comments that can make others laugh. These comments are actually what girls want to see in their pictures.
So if you have the intention of leaving a great comment on a girl’s photo, here are some funny comments or Smily Captions, that can make one laugh:
“When I look at your photo, I think my life sucks.”
“You’re not just pretty but also beautiful inside.”
“I’m sure your smile is an instant mood booster.”
“I don’t know how you do it but you always find something positive about everything.”
“Your photo makes me feel that tomorrow will be a brighter day.”
“In case people say you’re so pretty because of photoshop, I’ll tell everyone that this is indeed your real face.”
“The air around you must be fresh because every time I breathe while looking at your photos
Unique & Creative Comments for Pictures that Girls Like
*1. “I’ve never seen anyone look so beautiful when they are eating a salad.”
One thing I love most about my boyfriend is how much he loves and adores me. He is always telling me how beautiful I am and it just makes me smile. He is extremely supportive of my fitness goals, he’s also taught me some cool tricks to make healthy foods taste delicious. I mean who doesn’t love a guy who supports you? And that’s why I always tell him how handsome he looks when he is eating a salad.
- “You’re the only one who can make me feel this way.”
This comment always gets me in the feels! When your partner tells you that you’re the only one that makes them feel a certain way, it means that they are committed to you and are not going anywhere (at least in their mind). This comment also lets your partner know that they have a big impact on your life, which is important to share with someone special.
- “No matter what, you’re still my dream girl.”
If your partner isn’t the romantic type and struggles with making their feelings known, then this comment will do the trick! This comment will let them know exactly how you feel about them and
lovely comments for girls to Impress Her on Instagram

Girls love when guys give them compliments and there’s no doubt that they love it, even more, when you take a little bit of time to develop a personal comment. So here are some awesome comments that you can use to impress girls on Instagram:
I like your eyes, they are so pretty. (If she has beautiful eyes)
You have a beautiful face. I could stare into them for hours. (If she has really cute facial features)
Your lips are so perfect, I can’t stop staring at them. (If she has nice lips)
You have the prettiest smile I have ever seen! (If she smiles a lot)
You have such nice hair! I want it! (If she has great hair)
I’m very attracted to you You’re beautiful. (If she is hot)
I love your body, you look amazing in your profile picture! (If she is hot)
That background is awesome! You look great in that! (If her profile picture looks good with the background)
It’s so nice to meet you! Please follow me back. (This one can be used if you notice that she doesn’t follow many people back.)
Best Flirty Comments to Girls (Instagram & Facebook)

You have a nice body!
I like your eyes,
Damn girl, you are beautiful!
These are some flirty comments for girls on Instagram. You can also be creative by making your comments. It is important to make her feel special and that you are interested in her. You can always follow these comments with a question or another comment which shows that you are interested in knowing more about the girl.
Here is a list of Flirty Comments for Girls on Instagram:-
- Hey, I like your profile picture! – Use this to get her attention and interest. This comment will let her know that you have liked her picture and want to know more about her.
- Hi, I am new here. – This comment is great if she has asked you to follow her but you don’t want to directly follow her back yet. You can also use this comment after liking one of her pictures just to say hello and get acquainted with each other before asking anything from each other.
- Hi girl, how are you doing? – This is a great way to start as it is short and sweet and lets the girl know that you have noticed her even though she might not have
comments that girls like the most
Hey guys,
Some things that girls might like to hear from you.

This will help you impress her and make her feel special.
- “You are so beautiful.”
This one is a classic but it works all the time because it’s simple and she knows you mean it. You can add an emoji or two if you want to spice it up a bit.
- “I love your smile.”
Girls love compliments and they love when you notice the little details about them. Just keep in mind that there is much more to attraction than looks. Complimenting her on something other than her looks will show her that you are interested in what she has to say and that you care about getting to know her better rather than just trying to get her into bed with you as quickly as possible.
- “You have beautiful eyes.”
Another classic compliment, but this one is a classic for good reason — it works! There are all kinds of ways that you can get creative with this one by describing the color of her eyes in detail or complimenting them on their shape or size, but just don’t get too weird with it; nobody wants to hear that they have eyes like a cow or something like that!
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