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Computers & Electronics

How to backup and restore files in Linux

498 views · Apr 27, 2023
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How to backup and restore files in Linux, Backing up and restoring files in Linux is an essential skill that every user should know. It allows you to safeguard your important data against accidental deletion, hardware failure, and other unforeseen circumstances. Fortunately, the process is straightforward and can be accomplished using built-in tools or third-party applications. In this article, we will discuss how to backup and restore files in Linux, step-by-step. To backup and restore files in Linux, you can use various tools such as rsync, tar, and dd. Rsync is a powerful command-line tool that allows you to synchronize files and directories between different locations. Tar is another useful utility that can create a compressed archive of files and directories. And dd (data duplicator) is a command-line tool that can copy data from one source to another. These tools are efficient, reliable, and can handle large amounts of data. Before starting the backup process, it is essential to identify the files and directories that you want to backup. You should also choose a suitable location for storing the backup files, such as an external hard drive or a cloud-based service. After the backup process is complete, you can easily restore the files using the same tools or methods. It is crucial to test the backup files regularly to ensure that they are working correctly and can be used in the event of data loss.
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